Monday, August 30, 2010
明天就是一年一度的国庆日,马来西亚要53岁了!恭喜恭喜!好想知道大家是否快乐呢?不过相信大家不用说,我都能知道答案了。 马来西亚是一个很特别的国家,它有着不同种族的人民,也包含了马来西亚独有的文化。外国人往往都被我们的文化吸引着。 多元种族是我们的骄傲,很可惜的,它也成为了大马的最大问题。
这问题有如一个活火山那样,随时爆发,不定时的出现。 从马来西亚还没有独立到今天为止,这问题依然存在着,而且还越演越烈。最近打开面子书,都能看到很多很多有关种族问题的短片或是留言,看了心里总是酸酸的。我总是觉得,为什么大家要这样,大家都让一小步的话,问题就不会那么糟糕了! 可能你们会觉得我很笨,不会为自己的族人争取最好的利益,还要说什么退让,回家睡觉啦!
可是我倒觉得,你们比我笨。我说的你们,是指所有在那里互指互骂的人,不分种族,通通有份!难道你们不觉得这样的行为很可笑的吗?大家都是一家人,都是马来西亚人民,为什么要搞得水火不容呢? 不管是哪一个种族都好,大家忍让一点,不就好了吗? 活到那么大了,你们不可能不知道容忍的意思吧!要知道,不管你是谁都好,不可能要身边的人完全迁就你的。马来西亚的确还没有达到先进国的阶层,可是它也不是很糟糕啊!如果人民继续内讧下去,要国家怎样继续发展? 到时你们又会把责任推回给政府了。
无可否认,一部分的高官的确很糟糕,没有分辨清楚就采取一些惹恼人民的行动。把能够做事的人也抹黑了。渐渐的,他们也不被人民爱戴。唉~ 到底要到什么时候大家才不会为了种族课题吵呢?你们难道不累吗?还有,这问题已经越演越烈了,政府难道没有想要真的好好的把这个问题 解决吗?难道还要这样包庇这个,包庇那个吗?已经53年了,一个马来西亚到底什么时候才能达到呢?不要把责任通通推给政府!因为要解决这个问题的话,每个人都有责任!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
路,本来就不好走。 一路上,可能会经历很多风风雨雨,要是放弃了,我们永远都不会到达目的地。 她,有着一个理想的地方,希望有一天能到达。 同时,她也在努力的去实现她的理想。 她的路,她已经知道要怎么 走了,可是路途有多遥远,没有人知道。人,往往在决定做每件事时,都会充满动力,可是当开始后,那股力量,也随着一波又一波的风浪而逐渐消失。原本燃烧得火热的热情,也慢慢的开始熄灭了。
平凡的她,也有着一样的心情。开始时,她那股动力真的很有劲,旁人都被吓倒。可是,当她面对着一波接一波的问题时,她乱了。她有如温室里的小花,被家人和爱人呵护着,当真正要自己面对事情时,她完全迷失了。找不到解决的方法。这使她开始放慢了脚步,也开始堕落了。她的路还很长,这可以说是才开始不久,她就堕落了。只可以说,她经不起考验!愚不可及啊!温室里的小花就是那么没用 。
Monday, August 23, 2010
Family gathering!
My brother organised a very great lunch for us today. It's actually consider a small gathering and also a little farewell party for my cousin sister. She will be leaving Malaysia soon and work in Dubai for another years. So my brother purposely call her out and have lunch with her today. A total of 3 families were there in the gathering. haha.. It's been a long time i didn't attend such a wonderful family gathering already. Having much fun to see all of them enjoy their meals and chatting around with one another. Especially those kids. We went to KonSong restaurant and have our meal. Nice environment and great food. haha.. The price is also very reasonable. Although not every family member attended, but still is very happy to actually have a little gathering once a while. Here is some photos . Not much because i get caught by those foods. XD lol...Looking forward for another family gathering, so that i can take more photos next time. Muahahaha.. Good night and all the best to my cousin sister. Love you~
My cousin sister will kill me if she know i call her elderly person. XD shhh..
The 3 kids ~
the precious moment!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
哎哟~实在不好意思啊,好一段时间没有更新我的部落格了. 大家最近还好吗? 小妹最近就过得还不错啦.希望你们也是哦! 对了, 这此我发的帖子是要告诉大家, 我把留了两年多的头发剪掉了!! 不相信吧? 是真的! 你看!
对吧! 我没有说谎哦! 昨天在学校见到达令,她问我不会不舍得吗?剪那么短!! 其实我自己还蛮奇怪的,一向爱长发的我,这次竟然没有后悔,也不会不舍得耶! 我是怎么啦?? 搞不懂!! 哇哈哈哈~
其实呢, 小妹在说谎!
其实。。。其实。。。我没有全部剪短啦~~ (= 嘻嘻。。。 我剪了一个既可长,也可短的头发! 也就是已经过时了的水母头!!! 把尾巴收起,就是短发,把尾巴拿出来,呃~又变长了!好玩好玩! 哈哈~ 刚才说到我不没有后悔其实不是完全没有原因的啦。小妹一直以来都想尝试新发形的,这个水母头其实早在几年前我已经想剪了,不过那时妈妈还蛮保守,不让我碰头发太多,所以都没剪。不过,妈妈最近都思想都改变了,这个头发是我和她一起去剪的,她还说很好看呢!(=
我自己本身更是超级喜欢这个发形。因为小妹我很喜欢短发,也很爱长发,更想的就是尝试一些比较有形的头发!一直以来我都是顶着一头很诗文的长发,我不想这一辈子都只是有着一样的发行。也许这个发行不适合我,也许会有很多人觉得不好看,可是我很喜欢。不管别人怎样说,怎么不喜欢都好,至少我在我还年轻时试过了不一样的发型,我以后也不会有遗憾说:“哎呀,为什么我年轻时不去试下剪呢?现在老了才要剪,不好笑死人家啊!” 曾经有个女生认痛把留了十年的长发剪掉只因为一个比赛,她说:“我不想留下遗憾,头发剪了会长的。” 对我来说,同样的道理,我不想到十年后才来遗憾为什么年轻时没有去试,头发会长的!哈哈~ 要知道,我就是我啊~~怎样?!哇哈哈哈~~~ 偶尔叛逆一下, 感觉不错哦!! 朋友们, 加油!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ring ring ring.......手机突然响起,被吓了下。心想:" 谁啊?" 拿起来看,是臭哥耶!
我: 喂,什么事啊?
哥: 喂,在做么?
我: 在外面吃东西啦!不然呢?
哥: 又吃?吃多点啦,都那么猪了还吃!
我: 喂,晚餐不用吃的啊?!
哥: 还在外面,还不回啊?几点了哦?
我: 我才刚吃饱哦,现在不就回着了吗?真是的~
哥: 怎样去哦?朋友载你?好心你啦,自己走路啦,那么胖还要坐人家的车,坐坏人家的轮子 啊!
我: 你!算了,不和猪吵架! 妈妈呢?
哥: 做工啦,不用做啊!
我: 哦~那易欣呢?
![]() |
我的小侄女! |
哥: 在这里啊,等下啊!
欣: 阿姑~
我: Oii, 易欣啊~
欣: 嗯~
我: 吃饱饱没有?
欣: 饱饱~
我: 是哦!那么乖啊?
欣: 哈哈哈~
我: 好啦,拜拜啦~
欣: 拜拜~
我: 拜拜~
哥: Ok 啦,没事了,去睡觉啦你!拜拜~
我: Ok咯,拜拜~
晕~特地打来酸我一下,然后就关了,无聊啊!可是,他们的每一通电话,正正 就是我的精神粮食。不管是爸爸,妈妈, 哥哥还是家里谁都好, 他们的声音总是能安抚我的心!永远都会爱他们!朋友们,尽量和家人沟通多点哦,要知道,不管发生什么事,他们依然是你最亲的亲人!总有一天,大家都会感受到的 !加油!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Nothing special but you!
Another week i din't update my blog.Sorry. Hmm, went through a little busy week last week. Haha.. Although is quite tired, it brings me sweet times in some ways too. This coming week can consider a little relax week, not much thing to rush, but definitely it will be the most nervous week for me in my life. Know what?! I am one of the emcee on the moral campaign we having this friday. I have no idea why and how the things will go on.FML. Haiz.. just ignore that feeling. Now say what also no use, just can get myself well prepare to minimize the errors on that day. May god bless me! Amitabha~
Oh yea, Mr.R came and visit me last week! He is always so lovely and considerate. Having a lot of fun time with him! We both went to funfair, went to pasar malam, went to watch scenery, bla bla bla.. In that two days, he accompany me to do a lot things that he is not familiar with without any grumbles. He accompany me walk all the way from hostel to campus and then back home, he play alone at cc for 5 hours just to wait my class end, he accompany me until late night to get my assignment done and he even accompany me to class with the risk of getting caught just because to support me. Mr.R., I am really very happy to have you by my side! Love you~
Hmm~ yea, is a flu season now, drink more water and take more rest ya, do take care ! Good night!
* Here are some photos on both of us. *wee* ^-^
Oh yea, Mr.R came and visit me last week! He is always so lovely and considerate. Having a lot of fun time with him! We both went to funfair, went to pasar malam, went to watch scenery, bla bla bla.. In that two days, he accompany me to do a lot things that he is not familiar with without any grumbles. He accompany me walk all the way from hostel to campus and then back home, he play alone at cc for 5 hours just to wait my class end, he accompany me until late night to get my assignment done and he even accompany me to class with the risk of getting caught just because to support me. Mr.R., I am really very happy to have you by my side! Love you~
Hmm~ yea, is a flu season now, drink more water and take more rest ya, do take care ! Good night!
* Here are some photos on both of us. *wee* ^-^
Hehe~ having durians as dinner!
Have a great time at Vegas!
went for a walk at the roof top of GKH, but kena halau by guard!
because we are not their customer. >,<
Nice or not? DIY shoes!! Can wear de!!! XD
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Samsung i780 for sale!
Hey guys~ hey~ haha.. Anyone interested in buying a second hand phone? I have a Samsung i780 second hand phone to be sell! It's a PDA phone which is black in colour. It's specialization is the 3.5G HSDPA GPS wifi and QWERT keyboard window mobile 6 PDA phone. Lots of function and get a lot of good feedback since it launched. For more details, press HERE to view on.
Condition of the phone!
The price of selling is RM550. It includes the phone with 4GB memory card and a charger. Anyone interested please leave me a comment and a way of contact, I will reply you as soon as possible. Thank you. Hehe.. Here is some photos of the phone. Good Day!
Condition of the phone!
- 90% above look new.
- 100% original phone.
Not AP phone! - Used for 1 year
- Everything is in GOOD working condition!
The price of selling is RM550. It includes the phone with 4GB memory card and a charger. Anyone interested please leave me a comment and a way of contact, I will reply you as soon as possible. Thank you. Hehe.. Here is some photos of the phone. Good Day!
Back View~!
This is it! Front view.
Zoom in view! XD
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